Our Approach
"Welcome to Jesus’ Hands Montessori Preschool! We are a Christian based Preschool and we teach children the basic Christian beliefs and principle. Jesus’ Hands has been at the forefront of school education in developing innovative academic programs and has played a preeminent role in providing education for the children of our future."
Our Vision
Our vision is to provide high quality education in a safe environment for lifelong learning experience. Our program promotes positive growth in the lives of all children with Montessori activities to develop their physical, emotional and intellectual abilities. Our goal is to support and nurture the children’s and our own natural desire and learn alongside the children and their families. Our caring and professional teachers nurture and inspire students with a love for learning and the confidence to explore their world.
Our Story
Hannah Soonja Choi (Director)

저는 예손 몬테소리 원장 Hannah Soon Choi 입니다.
저희 학교 웹사이트를 방문해 주셔서 감사합니다. 즐겁고 유익한 시간이 되시길 바랍니다~
저희 학교는 오렌지카운티 부에나팍 비치길 선상에 있습니다.
2002년에 학교가 세워졌고 지금까지 크리스챤 학교로 성장해 왔습니다.
예수님의 손길처럼 아이들을 케어 하고 돌보겠다는 신념으로 예손이란 이름으로 학교를 Open 했습니다. 많은 아이들을 제가 직접 가르칠수 없는 고로 매달 한번씩 교사 기도회를 통하여 선생님들과 함께 한마음으로 아이들을 위해 기도회를 하며 전체 학생들을 하나님께 올려드리며 기도하고 있습니다. 또한
몬테소리 학교로서 모든 교실이 몬테소리 교구로 준비되어 있는 환경입니다. Language, Math, Practical life, Sensorial, 그리고 Geography and Botanics 까지 모든 영역들이 교구로 준비되어 있습니다.
한참 자라는 아이들이라 Playground 는 완벽한 시설로 준비되어 있으니 오셔서 아이와 함께 즐거운 시간을 보내시길 바랍니다.
언제든 방문을 한영 합니다.
감사합니다, 예손 원장 최혜나
Hello, my name is Hannah Soonja Choi and I am the director at Jesus' Hands Montessori Preschool. Thank you for visiting our school website!
Our school is located on Beach Blvd in Buena Park, California. Founded and established in 2002, we are constantly growing as a private Christian preschool. We chose the name "Jesus' Hands" because we desire to serve and teach our children with hands like Christ's as He taught others.
Because I cannot teach all of our children on my own, all the teachers participate in a prayer meeting once a month to pray for our children and lift them up to Christ.
As a Montessori preschool, our classrooms are equipped with Montessori materials to teach all subjects such as Language, Math, Practical life, Sensorial, and Geography and Botanics. Our playgrounds are fully designed to serve the needs of our vastly growing children.
Please visit us at anytime and I hope for an exciting and memorable time for you and your child here.
Sincerely, Director Hannah Soonja Choi
I want to send my child!
Interested in sending your child? Give us a call, or fill out an application form!